Easy to use and very comfortable, the Petzl Men's Corax LT Climbing Harness is great for gym or outdoor climbing. Four gear loops provide enough space to rack all the gear you need for sport climbing. Designed for a wide range of users, it is available in five sizes for a variety of options.
- Wide waistbelt and padded leg loops provide comfortable support
- FRAME Technology design allows weight to be distributed between the waistbelt and the leg loops
- Rigid equipment loops in front for easy clipping and unclipping of quickdraws
- Flexible rear equipment loops for bringing gear to the front and for comfort with a backpack
- Rear accessory loop for chalk bag, shoes, quick link, trail line, or other gear
- Compatible with CARITOOL EVO tool holders for racking ice screws
- Waistbelt and leg loop exterior fabric is made from 100 % recycled polyester
- 3-year manufacturer guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship